Class AbstractNpmAnalyzer

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String NPM_DEPENDENCY_ECOSYSTEM
        A descriptor for the type of dependencies processed or added by this analyzer.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractNpmAnalyzer

        public AbstractNpmAnalyzer()
    • Method Detail

      • accept

        public boolean accept​( pathname)
        Determines if the file can be analyzed by the analyzer.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface
        accept in class AbstractFileTypeAnalyzer
        pathname - the path to the file
        true if the file can be analyzed by the given analyzer; otherwise false
      • shouldProcess

        public static boolean shouldProcess​( pathname)
                                     throws AnalysisException
        Determines if the path contains "/node_modules/" or "/bower_components/" (i.e. it is a child module). This analyzer does not scan child modules.
        pathname - the path to test
        true if the path does not contain "/node_modules/" or "/bower_components/"
        AnalysisException - thrown if the canonical path cannot be obtained from the given file
      • createDependency

        protected Dependency createDependency​(Dependency dependency,
                                              java.lang.String name,
                                              java.lang.String version,
                                              java.lang.String scope)
        Construct a dependency object.
        dependency - the parent dependency
        name - the name of the dependency to create
        version - the version of the dependency to create
        scope - the scope of the dependency being created
        the generated dependency
      • processPackage

        protected void processPackage​(Engine engine,
                                      Dependency dependency,
                                      jakarta.json.JsonArray jsonArray,
                                      java.lang.String depType)
        Processes a part of package.json (as defined by JsonArray) and update the specified dependency with relevant info.
        engine - the dependency-check engine
        dependency - the Dependency to update
        jsonArray - the jsonArray to parse
        depType - the dependency type
      • processPackage

        protected void processPackage​(Engine engine,
                                      Dependency dependency,
                                      jakarta.json.JsonObject jsonObject,
                                      java.lang.String depType)
        Processes a part of package.json (as defined by JsonObject) and update the specified dependency with relevant info.
        engine - the dependency-check engine
        dependency - the Dependency to update
        jsonObject - the jsonObject to parse
        depType - the dependency type
      • findDependency

        protected Dependency findDependency​(Engine engine,
                                            java.lang.String name,
                                            java.lang.String version)
        Locates the dependency from the list of dependencies that have been scanned by the engine.
        engine - the dependency-check engine
        name - the name of the dependency to find
        version - the version of the dependency to find
        the identified dependency; otherwise null
      • gatherEvidence

        public void gatherEvidence​(jakarta.json.JsonObject json,
                                   Dependency dependency)
        Collects evidence from the given JSON for the associated dependency.
        json - the JSON that contains the evidence to collect
        dependency - the dependency to add the evidence too
      • processResults

        protected void processResults​(java.util.List<Advisory> advisories,
                                      Engine engine,
                                      Dependency dependency,
                                      org.apache.commons.collections4.MultiValuedMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> dependencyMap)
                               throws us.springett.parsers.cpe.exceptions.CpeValidationException
        Processes the advisories creating the appropriate dependency objects and adding the resulting vulnerabilities.
        advisories - a collection of advisories from npm
        engine - a reference to the analysis engine
        dependency - a reference to the package-lock.json dependency
        dependencyMap - a collection of module/version pairs obtained from the package-lock file - used in case the advisories do not include a version number
        us.springett.parsers.cpe.exceptions.CpeValidationException - thrown when a CPE cannot be created
      • replaceOrAddVulnerability

        protected void replaceOrAddVulnerability​(Dependency dependency,
                                                 Vulnerability vuln)
        Evaluates if the vulnerability is already present; if it is the vulnerability is not added.
        dependency - a reference to the dependency being analyzed
        vuln - the vulnerability to add
      • getSearcher

        protected NodeAuditSearch getSearcher()
        Returns the node audit search utility.
        the node audit search utility
      • determineVersionFromMap

        public static java.lang.String determineVersionFromMap​(java.lang.String versionRange,
                                                               java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> availableVersions)
        Give an NPM version range and a collection of versions, this method attempts to select a specific version from the collection that is in the range.
        versionRange - the version range to evaluate
        availableVersions - the collection of possible versions to select
        the selected range from the versionRange