All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAnalyzer |
Base class for analyzers to avoid code duplication of prepare and close as
most analyzers do not need these methods.
AbstractDependencyComparingAnalyzer |
This analyzer ensures dependencies that should be grouped together, to remove
excess noise from the report, are grouped.
AbstractFileTypeAnalyzer |
The base FileTypeAnalyzer that all analyzers that have specific file types
they analyze should extend.
AbstractMemoryIndex |
An in memory Lucene index that contains the vendor/product combinations from
the CPE (application) identifiers within the NVD CVE data.
AbstractNpmAnalyzer |
An abstract NPM analyzer that contains common methods for concrete
AbstractSuppressionAnalyzer |
Abstract base suppression analyzer that contains methods for parsing the
suppression XML file.
AbstractTokenizingFilter |
An abstract tokenizing filter that can be used as the base for a tokenizing
Advisory |
The response from NPM Audit API will respond with 0 or more advisories.
AlphaNumericFilter |
A simple alphanumeric filter that removes non-alphanumeric characters from
the terms.
AnalysisException |
An exception thrown when the analysis of a dependency fails.
AnalysisPhase |
An enumeration defining the phases of analysis.
AnalysisTask |
Task to support parallelism of dependency-check analysis.
Analyzer |
An interface that defines an Analyzer that is used to identify Dependencies.
AnalyzerService |
The Analyzer Service Loader.
App |
Utility application to process and serialize the CWE data.
ArchiveAnalyzer |
An analyzer that extracts files from archives and ensures any supported files
contained within the archive are added to the dependency list.
ArchiveExtractionException |
An exception thrown when files in an archive cannot be extracted.
ArtifactoryAnalyzer |
Analyzer which will attempt to locate a dependency, and the GAV information,
by querying Artifactory for the dependency's hashes digest.
ArtifactorySearch |
Class of methods to search Artifactory for hashes and determine Maven GAV
from there.
AssemblyAnalyzer |
Analyzer for getting company, product, and version information from a .NET
AssemblyData |
A simple collection of .NET assembly data as collected from GrokAssembly.
AutoconfAnalyzer |
Used to analyze Autoconf input files named or
BundlerAuditProcessor |
Processor for the output of bundler-audit.
CachedWebDataSource |
Defines a data source who's data is retrieved from the Internet.
CarthageAnalyzer |
This analyzer is used to analyze SWIFT and Objective-C packages by collecting
information from Cartfile files.
CentralAnalyzer |
Analyzer which will attempt to locate a dependency, and the GAV information,
by querying Central for the dependency's SHA-1 digest.
CentralSearch |
Class of methods to search Maven Central via Central.
ChecksumsImpl |
Copied from JFrog's artifactory client.
CMakeAnalyzer |
Used to analyze CMake build files, and collect information that can be used
to determine the associated CPE.
CocoaPodsAnalyzer |
This analyzer is used to analyze SWIFT and Objective-C packages by collecting
information from .podspec files.
ComposerDependency |
Represents a dependency (GAV, right now) from a Composer dependency.
ComposerException |
Represents an exception when handling a composer.json or composer.lock file.
ComposerLockAnalyzer |
Used to analyze a composer.lock file for a composer PHP app.
ComposerLockParser |
Parses a Composer.lock file from an input stream.
Confidence |
A confidence enumeration.
CorruptDatabaseException |
An exception used to indicate the db4o database is corrupt.
CorruptedDatastreamException |
An exception used when data corruption is detected on an NVD CVE Datastream file.
CPEAnalyzer |
CPEAnalyzer is a utility class that takes a project dependency and attempts
to discern if there is an associated CPE.
CpeEcosystemCache |
CpeIdentifier |
A CPE Identifier for a dependency object.
CpeMemoryIndex |
An in memory Lucene index that contains the vendor/product combinations from
the CPE (application) identifiers within the NVD CVE data.
CpePlus |
A simple wrapper object that allows one to carry the ecosystem along with the
CpeSuppressionAnalyzer |
This is no longer used as a standalone analyzer; rather this is called by the
CPE Analyzer directly.
CveApiJson20CveItemSource |
CveDB |
The database holding information about the NVD CVE data.
CveEcosystemMapper |
Utility for mapping CVEs to their ecosystems.
CveItemOperator |
Utility for processing DefCveItem in order to extract key values
like textual description and ecosystem type.
CveItemSource<T extends io.github.jeremylong.openvulnerability.client.nvd.DefCveItem> |
CvssUtil |
Utility class to create CVSS Objects.
CweDB |
CweHandler |
A SAX Handler that will parse the CWE XML.
CweSet |
Collection of CWEs with a pretty print implemented in the toString().
DartAnalyzer |
This analyzer is used to analyze Dart packages by collecting information from
pubspec lock and yaml files.
DatabaseException |
An exception thrown if an operation against the database fails.
DatabaseManager |
Loads the configured database driver and returns the database connection.
DatabaseProperties |
This is a wrapper around a set of properties that are stored in the database.
DataCache<T> |
A generic wrapper for the Java Caching System (JCS).
DataCacheFactory |
Factory to instantiate cache repositories.
DateUtil |
DBUtils |
Collection of utility methods for working with database objects.
Dependency |
A program dependency.
DependencyBundlingAnalyzer |
This analyzer ensures dependencies that should be grouped together, to remove
excess noise from the report, are grouped.
DependencyCheckScanAgent |
This class provides a way to easily conduct a scan solely based on existing
evidence metadata rather than collecting evidence from the files themselves.
DependencyMergingAnalyzer |
This analyzer will merge dependencies, created from different source, into a
single dependency.
DependencyNotFoundException |
An exception used when a dependency could not be found.
DependencySimilarity |
DependencyVersion |
Simple object to track the parts of a version number.
DependencyVersionUtil |
A utility class to extract version numbers from file names (or other strings
containing version numbers.
DescriptionEcosystemMapper |
Helper utility for mapping CVEs to their ecosystems based on the description.
DescriptionKeywordHint |
Enumeration used for mapping CVEs to their ecosystems based on the
Developer |
Represents the developer node within the pom.xml.
DirectoryBuildPropsParser |
Parses `Directory.Build.props`.
DirectoryPackagesPropsParser |
Parses a nuget's Directory.Packages.props file using XPath.
DownloadTask |
A callable object to download the NVD API cache files and start the
DriverLoader |
DriverLoader is a utility class that is used to load database drivers.
DriverLoadException |
An exception thrown the database driver is unable to be loaded.
Ecosystem |
Collection of the standard ecosystems for dependency-check.
EcosystemHint |
EcosystemHintNature |
ElixirMixAuditAnalyzer |
Engine |
Scans files, directories, etc. for Dependencies.
Engine.Mode |
EngineVersionCheck |
Checks the gh-pages dependency-check site to determine the current released
version number.
EscapeTool |
An extremely simple wrapper around various escape utils to perform URL and
HTML encoding within the reports.
Evidence |
Evidence is a piece of information about a Dependency.
EvidenceMatcher |
EvidenceMatcher can match one or more Evidence s.
EvidenceType |
The types of evidence.
ExceptionCollection |
A collection of several exceptions.
Experimental |
Annotation used to flag an analyzer as experimental.
ExtractionUtil |
Set of utilities to extract files from archives.
FalsePositiveAnalyzer |
This analyzer attempts to remove some well known false positives -
specifically regarding the java runtime.
Fields |
Fields is a collection of field names used within the Lucene index for CPE
FileExtensionHint |
FileFilterBuilder |
FileImpl |
Copied from JFrog's artifactory client.
FileNameAnalyzer |
Takes a dependency and analyzes the filename and determines the hashes.
FileTypeAnalyzer |
An Analyzer that scans specific file types.
Filter<T> |
This is an abstract filter that can be used to filter iterable list.
GenericIdentifier |
In identifier such as a CPE or dependency coordinates (i.e.
GolangDepAnalyzer |
Go lang dependency analyzer.
GolangModAnalyzer |
Go mod dependency analyzer.
GoModDependency |
Represents a Go module dependency.
GoModJsonParser |
Parses json output from `go list -json -m all`.
GoModProcessor |
Processor for the output of `go list -m -json all`.
GrokAssemblyProcessor |
Processor for the output of GrokAssembly.exe.
GrokErrorHandler |
An XML parsing error handler.
GrokHandler |
A handler to read Grok Assembly XML files.
GrokParseException |
An exception used when parsing a grok assembly XML file fails.
GrokParser |
A simple validating parser for XML Grok Assembly XML files.
H2Functions |
Stored procedures for the H2 database.
HintAnalyzer |
This analyzer adds evidence to dependencies to enhance the accuracy of
library identification.
HintErrorHandler |
An XML parsing error handler.
HintHandler |
A handler to load hint rules.
HintParseException |
An exception used when parsing a suppression rule file fails.
HintParser |
A simple validating parser for XML Hint Rules.
HintRule |
A collection of product and vendor evidence to match; if any evidence is
matched the addVendor and addProduct evidence should be added to the
HostedSuppressionsDataSource |
Identifier |
The Identifier used to label dependencies.
IncludedByReference |
POJO to store a reference to the "included by" node in a dependency tree;
where included by is the root node that caused a dependency to be included.
IndexEntry |
A CPE entry containing the name, vendor, product, and version.
IndexException |
An exception thrown when the there is an issue using the in-memory CPE Index.
InitializationException |
An exception used when initializing analyzers.
InterpolationUtil |
InterpolationUtil.SyntaxStyle |
The syntax style for the interpolation.
InvalidDataException |
An InvalidDataDataException is a generic exception used when trying to load
the NVD CVE meta data.
ItemImpl |
Copied from JFrog's artifactory client.
JarAnalyzer |
Used to load a JAR file and collect information that can be used to determine
the associated CPE.
JarAnalyzer.ClassNameInformation |
Stores information about a class name.
JsonArrayCveItemSource |
KnownExploitedDataSource |
KnownExploitedVulnerabilitiesSchema |
CISA Catalog of Known Exploited Vulnerabilities
KnownExploitedVulnerabilityAnalyzer |
This analyzer adds information about known exploited vulnerabilities.
KnownExploitedVulnerabilityParser |
LambdaExceptionWrapper |
An exception intended to be used within a lambda expression as checked
exceptions cannot be used within lambdas.
LibmanAnalyzer |
Analyzer which parses a libman.json file to gather module information.
License |
LocalDataSource |
LuceneUtils |
Lucene utils is a set of utilize written to make constructing Lucene queries
MavenArtifact |
Simple bean representing a Maven Artifact.
MemoryIndex |
MixAuditJsonParser |
Parses json output from `mix_audit --format json`.
MixAuditProcessor |
Processor for the output of `mix_audit`.
MixAuditResult |
Represents a single vulnerability result from `mix_audit --format json`.
Model |
A simple pojo to hold data related to a Maven POM file.
MSBuildProjectAnalyzer |
Analyzes MS Project files for dependencies.
MSBuildProjectParseException |
Exception during the parsing of a MSBuild Project file.
NexusAnalyzer |
Analyzer which will attempt to locate a dependency on a Nexus service by
SHA-1 digest of the dependency.
NexusSearch |
NexusV2Search |
Class of methods to search Nexus repositories.
NexusV3Search |
Class of methods to search Nexus v3 repositories.
NoDataException |
An exception used when the data needed does not exist to perform analysis.
NodeAuditAnalyzer |
Used to analyze Node Package Manager (npm) package-lock.json and
npm-shrinkwrap.json files via NPM Audit API.
NodeAuditSearch |
Class of methods to search via Node Audit API.
NodePackageAnalyzer |
Used to analyze Node Package Manager (npm) package.json files, and collect
information that can be used to determine the associated CPE.
NpmAuditParser |
Parser for NPM Audit API response.
NpmCPEAnalyzer |
NpmCPEAnalyzer takes a project dependency and attempts to discern if there is
an associated CPE.
NpmCpeMemoryIndex |
An in memory Lucene index that contains the vendor/product combinations from
the CPE (application) identifiers within the NVD CVE data.
NpmPayloadBuilder |
Class used to create the payload to submit to the NPM Audit API service.
NugetconfAnalyzer |
Analyzer which parses a Nuget packages.config file to gather module
NugetconfParseException |
Exception during the parsing of a packages.config file.
NugetPackage |
Represents the contents of a Nuspec manifest.
NugetPackageReference |
Represents a reference to a NuGet package and version.
NuspecAnalyzer |
Analyzer which will parse a Nuspec file to gather module information.
NuspecParseException |
Exception during the parsing of a Nuspec file.
NvdApiDataSource |
NvdApiDataSource.UrlData |
NvdApiProcessor |
Stores a collection of NVD CVE Data from the NVD API into the database.
NvdCveAnalyzer |
NvdCveAnalyzer is a utility class that takes a project dependency and
attempts to discern if there is an associated CVEs.
ODCConnectionTransport |
ODC connection transport is used instead of HttpUrlConnectionTransport
because the proxy information is already configured.
OpenSSLAnalyzer |
Used to analyze OpenSSL source code present in the file system.
OssIndexAnalyzer |
Enrich dependency information from Sonatype OSS index.
OssindexClientFactory |
Produces OssindexClient instances.
Pair<L,R> |
A generic pair of elements.
ParseException |
An exception thrown when a parsing error occurs.
PEAnalyzer |
Takes a dependency and analyze the PE header for meta data that can be used
to identify the library.
PEParser |
PerlCpanfileAnalyzer |
Used to analyze Perl CPAN files.
PinnedMavenInstallAnalyzer |
Used to analyze Maven pinned dependency files named *install*.json , a
Java Maven dependency lockfile like Python's requirements.txt .
PipAnalyzer |
Used to analyze pip dependency files named requirements.txt.
PipfileAnalyzer |
Used to analyze dependencies defined in Pipfile.
PipfilelockAnalyzer |
Used to analyze dependencies defined in Pipfile.lock.
PnpmAuditAnalyzer |
PoetryAnalyzer |
Poetry dependency analyzer.
PomHandler |
A handler to read the pom.xml model.
PomParseException |
An exception used when parsing a suppression rule file fails.
PomParser |
A parser for pom.xml files.
PomProjectInputStream |
Filters everything in an input stream prior to the <project> element.
PomUtils |
PropertyType |
A simple PropertyType used to represent a string value that could be used as
a regular expression or could be case insensitive.
PurlIdentifier |
The Package-URL Identifier implementation.
PyPACoreMetadataParser |
A utility class to handle Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) core metadata files.
PythonDistributionAnalyzer |
Used to analyze a Wheel or egg distribution files, or their contents in
unzipped form, and collect information that can be used to determine the
associated CPE.
PythonPackageAnalyzer |
Used to analyze a Python package, and collect information that can be used to
determine the associated CPE.
Reference |
An external reference for a vulnerability.
ReportException |
An exception used when generating reports.
ReportGenerator |
The ReportGenerator is used to, as the name implies, generate reports.
ReportGenerator.Format |
An enumeration of the report formats.
ReportTool |
Utilities to format items in the Velocity reports.
Retired |
Annotation used to flag an analyzer as retired.
RetireJsAnalyzer |
The RetireJS analyzer uses the manually curated list of vulnerabilities from
the RetireJS community along with the necessary information to assist in
identifying vulnerable components.
RetireJSDataSource |
Downloads a local copy of the RetireJS repository.
RubyBundleAuditAnalyzer |
Used to analyze Ruby Bundler Gemspec.lock files utilizing the 3rd party
bundle-audit tool.
RubyBundlerAnalyzer |
This analyzer accepts the fully resolved .gemspec created by the Ruby bundler
( for better evidence results.
RubyGemspecAnalyzer |
Used to analyze Ruby Gem specifications and collect information that can be
used to determine the associated CPE.
SarifRule |
ScanAgentException |
An exception used when using @{link DependencyCheckScanAgent} to conduct a
scan and the scan fails.
SearchException |
An exception thrown when an online searching fails (such as NPM).
SearchFieldAnalyzer |
A Lucene field analyzer used to analyzer queries against the CPE data.
SeverityUtil |
Utility to estimate severity level scores.
StringAhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie<V> |
Add method for String and IHitFull.
SuppressionErrorHandler |
An XML parsing error handler.
SuppressionHandler |
A handler to load suppression rules.
SuppressionParseException |
An exception used when parsing a suppression rule file fails.
SuppressionParser |
A simple validating parser for XML Suppression Rules.
SuppressionRule |
SwiftPackageManagerAnalyzer |
This analyzer is used to analyze the SWIFT Package Manager
SwiftPackageResolvedAnalyzer |
This analyzer is used to analyze the SWIFT Package Resolved
TokenPairConcatenatingFilter |
Takes a TokenStream and adds additional tokens by concatenating pairs of
UnexpectedAnalysisException |
An exception intended to be used in situations that should never occur.
UnusedSuppressionRuleAnalyzer |
Log the unused suppression rules.
UpdateException |
An exception used when an error occurs reading a setting.
UpdateService |
The CachedWebDataSource Service Loader.
UrlEcosystemMapper |
UrlHostHint |
UrlPathHint |
UrlStringUtils |
UrlTokenizingFilter |
Takes a TokenStream, looks for URLs, and breaks them into separate tokens.
VendorDuplicatingHintRule |
Used to duplicate vendor evidence within a collection.
VersionFilterAnalyzer |
This analyzer attempts to filter out erroneous version numbers collected.
Vulnerability |
Vulnerability |
Contains the information about a vulnerability.
Vulnerability.Source |
An enumeration for the source of vulnerability.
VulnerabilitySuppressionAnalyzer |
The suppression analyzer processes an externally defined XML document that
complies with the suppressions.xsd schema.
VulnerableSoftware |
A record containing information about vulnerable software.
VulnerableSoftwareBuilder |
A builder for VulnerableSoftware objects.
WriteLock |
A lock file implementation; creates a custom lock file so that only a single
instance of dependency-check can update the a given resource.
WriteLockCleanupHook |
A cleanup hook that will register with the JVM to remove the WriteLock file
during an unexpected shutdown.
WriteLockException |
An exception used when trying to obtain a lock on a resource.
WriteLockShutdownHook |
Definition of the shutdown hook used during the unexpected shutdown during
the update process of a resources.
WriteLockShutdownHookFactory |
Simple factory to instantiate the Write Lock Shutdown Hook.
XmlEntity |
This is a utility class to convert named XML Entities (such as ø) into
its HTML encoded Unicode code point (i.e.
XmlInputStream |
Cleans up often very bad XML.
XPathMSBuildProjectParser |
Parses a MSBuild project file for NuGet references using XPath.
XPathNugetconfParser |
Parse a packages.config file using XPath.
XPathNuspecParser |
Parse a Nuspec file using XPath.
YarnAuditAnalyzer |